Where We Are...
The Wolfpack is located on the largest ship in the ESG-5 (Expeditionary Strike Group), the USS Bonhomme Richard (LHD-6). The BHR is the Flagship of the ESG and houses the entire MEU(SOC) command element. The ship is capable of conducting flight operations off the flight deck and amphibious operations from the well deck.
In summary, this ship is equipped with the most aggressive assets the MEU(SOC) has to offer. The Wolfpack is at the tip of the spear.
In summary, this ship is equipped with the most aggressive assets the MEU(SOC) has to offer. The Wolfpack is at the tip of the spear.

Randy I am Proude of you. Poppy
Hey I love the site. Thank you so much it helps me not go insane while my boys are over there. Keep up the good work. Stay motivated!
-Love you and miss you lots
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