Monday, March 28, 2005


The entire Wolfpack is back to our forward operating base, FOB Falcon, safe and sound. The mission was a success, disrupting all insurgent activity in our area of operation. I can't get to much into it, but your Marines will tell you all about it when they get a chance.

I will tell you that the Wolfpack did some amazing work out there. In ten days, we clocked over 50 miles on our feet, operated in numerous 8-10 hour patrols, and was the company's lead element in all evolutions. But what we're most proud of is conducting a raid that we conducted, independently, on the second day that we were on the deck. We nabbed one of the world's HVTs (High Value Targets). This man, along with the majority of the males in his family, are linked with kidnapping and executing (beheading) Americans, coalition forces, Iraqi Soldiers and Police, and innocent civilians. The seizure of this individual has resulted in numerous successful operations in and around our area of operation. I can not speak on the details of it all, but just know that, like I said before we left for this mission, the Wolfpack has begun to write its own chapter in history.

I am extremely proud of these men and the work they did under the hardships. I know you all are, too. I will continue to post up pictures as time allows. Until then, rest easy knowing that your men are doing great out here and they're all in great health and good spirits. Semper Fidelis.


Blogger kender said...

I am simply an average American, unable to serve (sadly) and these guys humble me and make me proud of our miltary.

Stay safe guys.

7:53 AM  

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