The Caliber 50...

Sgt Ross gave the Wolfpack a Caliber 50 class today. He covered capabilities and limitations of the weapon. He also went over deeper knowledge that will seem like Mumbo-Jumbo to the most of you, so I won't even get into it. All-in-all, the Marines received a solid class on an extremely effective weapon.
On the left, Cpl Martinez works on "head-space and timing" as Cpl Ray and LCpl Cantu look on. You can also see Cpl Meinhardt (aka Krog) looking at his watch, wondering when all the pain will be over. Top right, LCpl West works on "head-space and timing" with the assistance of Cpl Sullivan and Cpl Ray. Bottom right, Sgt Ross puts the barrel on the Caliber 50 as Cpl Cardenas and Cpl Petterson look on.
Way to go Sgt Ross - Glad to see you doing something productive. We are soooo proud of you. Keep up the good work. Love,Mom & Dad
proud to have men like you out there for us. praying for you all every day.
Consentration, Learning, Serious Marines
Way to Go, HooooRaaaah
I just found your blog. I want to thank you and all the other brave men and women of the USMC who are on the front lines in this great struggle. Your bravery and sacrifice will never be forgotten. May God watch over you all.
Waiting to see a picture of Lcpl Nelson. Wanting to make sure he is doing well. I worry you know. Take care boys and be safe. My prayers are with you. I pray you all come home safely to your family and friends.
Lcpl Nelson's second mom,
Jeri Williams
P.s. Jake I am waiting for you to come home to your wife, son, unborn child, and family. Take care and we all miss you sooooooooo much.
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