Operation Photo...

This is a picture of my beautiful wife, Madeline, on the Fox News channel set in Philadelphia, PA. She was on live national television yesterday, much to my surprise, to talk about Operation Photo. The program was designed to raise digital cameras from the American public to give to military families. What a great program. Please feel free to check out the information at:
Click on the "Operation Photo" link on the left. If you know anyone who is interested in donating, please pass on the information.
This post was mostly just a shout out to my awesome wife. Great job, Madeline. I love you and you did well for the Pack. Oorah.
Great idea Madeline will pass it on Lt.!
Hey Jim, Its Kevin Maccarella. Just saying hello and seeing how things are going on the ship. My mom just gave me this web site and i just wanted to drop you a line and let you know that there isnt a day that goes by that im not thinking about you.
Hope all is well man. Kick ASS over there. I know you will
Little Jimmy should be proud of MOM and DAD,because we are.Our prays go out to the families of the First Marine Division.Keep up the good work! B.MAC.
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